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Step 3: Order Summary

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Flute Vibrato mini course

The Vibrato Mini-Course is the best way to start getting those groovy waves in your tone.

What Students Are Saying About The Vibrato Course

"This is huge! Very helpful. I am very glad that I did not put off doing this until I was “ready-er.” ~ Anne, USA

"I’m so excited… I felt the vibrato! It took me three days. It’s hard to describe, but when it happens, you know it. The skills you taught us to produce vibrato I think will help tone also. I noticed that I can hold notes longer now, too. I’m so glad I took this mini course and I love your online flute lessons. ~ Cyndi"

"This is a great mini course. I go back from time to time when I feel the need. It has really made a difference." ~ Elaine, USA


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